Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Letter to CJI thru Registrar: Supreme Court Fully Exposed

The Hon’ble Chief Justice of India                                                          Dated 7/8/2019
Supreme Court of India
New Delhi

                      (Through the Registrar, Supreme Court of India)
        Subject:  Unimaginable highhandedness and shamelessness by Supreme Court of India                          
                        in harassing a well-meaning  senior citizen of India – compensation thereof
       References:   1. My email dated 29/7/2019 to the Registrar, and earlier mails
                                 mentioned there in.                                                                          
                              2. Assistant Registrar (Copying)’s email to me dated 12/7/2019.
                              3.  Order dated 7/5/2018 by Court No. 1 in WP (C) 1163/2017
                              4. My open letter dated 27/3/2019 to Supreme Court judges and
                                  registered with diary nos. 18182/SCI/PIL(E)2019 and
                                  18183/SCI/PIL(E)2019 under Grievance Management   
                               5. My letter dated 16/5/2019 addressed to the Hon’ble Chief Justice of
       I do hope that this email/ letter will be put up to you, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, early and will not have a fate similar to the letter by the mother of Unnao Rape Victim as was very recently in news. I write this not because I have been /am being harassed, but because it could be anyone in my place and because it shows how the Supreme Court of India, and hence the country of India has gone to the dogs (I doubt if any other phrase would be more appropriate, given the unfortunate facts). Please do read on.
Only last week there was a news item that told us that you had said there were some fundamental problems in your registry and you found yourself helpless to do much/anything about it. Did your responsibility end with that, giving your registry even more freedom to continue acting like buffoons? Like highhanded monsters? That too, even months after my letters under references 4 and 5 above. Not very long ago, we learnt that CBI had been deputed to see/investigate what wrong had been going on in the Registrar’s office of the Supreme Court of India. But certainly it has had no deterrent effect. Are CBI officials there to crack jokes with the registry officials?
It is evident now from the Unnao Rape Victim case that Supreme Court of India acts only when there is noise in the media. Does that mean it will never act on a matter in which the media itself was the culprit? What have you and your Court done on letters under reference 4 and 5 even after precious months elapsing, even after registering one of these? Only you would know whether for some reason you couldn’t go through those or you didn’t consider it worthwhile to do anything about it. But since there is no noise in media about those, and won’t be any - media itself being a major culprit - will the Supreme Court of India never act? Is this the nation our freedom fighters had fought for, had dreamt of?
On the contrary, your registry is now acting with even greater criminality and shamelessness. Rather than acting to curb a monstrous proven public fraud and crime, the Court is finding novel ways of harassing me, the messenger. It is true that powerful politicians like Arun Jaitely, Sharad Pawar, and many others cutting across political parties are/ have been at the helm of this monstrous fraud and loot, and top industrialists and celebrities including Mukesh Ambani and Shahrukh Khan are a part and parcel of it, not to mention the powerful cricketing world. But is the institution of Supreme Court of India to act as their keep? Is that the oath you people take when assuming office? Don’t you people have any conscience of your own and/or shame left?
This is not about some highhandedness by some police officials somewhere, some jungle raj somewhere in the country, crimes of rapes and murders taking place somewhere. Nor is it about disputes, some minor or massive public frauds, or scams worth thousands or lakhs of crores of rupees coming to light now and then, or about some injustice taking place somewhere. Those are unlawful acts indulged in by people to be brought to justice. Here we are talking of extreme highhandedness and jungle raj in your own courtyard, in the Supreme Court of India – the ultimate destination to seek justice in the country - in a desperate attempt to shield trillions of dollars’ worth continuing loot from the poor addicted bettors, a substantial part of which goes to terror funding.
I have come across many people jumping and saying, “So what? Why should people bet? They are responsible if they lose money.” They say so out of ignorance. First of all they are ignorant, with Ajit Dovals and PM Modis choosing to be blind for reasons best known to them, that a substantial amount out of these mind boggling sums finds way to terror funding. It is not my imagination; it is a matter of record by police and mentioned so by judges in their judgements. So even if bettors solely were to be blamed, to allow it to continue was highly damaging to us as a people. Secondly, are bettors alone to be blamed? Don’t we hold drug peddlers also accountable for drug addiction of our brethren and sisters? And here matches are so scripted and fixed round the clock that the bettors are not only looted but are also made addicts. Enough has been brought out by me in public domain over the years to show it irrefutably and all that, including the scientific proof of out and out scripted and institutionally fixed cricket across formats and across countries arrived at by me and brought out in media as well years ago, remains uncontested and undisputed till date; even after detailing of same in my petition to the Hon’ble Court a couple of years ago.
There are many journalistic accounts of young people losing large sums and people losing lives because of fixed matches and cricket betting. I have personally come across promising youngsters who have been the victims of institutionally fixed cricket. They are men of flesh and blood. And there are not hundreds, not thousands, but millions and millions like them in our own country alone. Not much comes out because of stigma attached with betting/ gambling in India. Many bettors are quite aware what goes about in the name of competitive cricket matches. But they are not a united lot and most of them don’t have means and knowhow to fight this massive fraud being perpetrated by a powerful nexus and facilitated by the media. The Supreme Court of India remains the only hope for them at present.
I am sure people are still largely unaware that there is nothing illegal about betting on cricket per se; they are unaware of ruling dated 25th July, 2015 by Patiala House Court, New Delhi in SC No. 115/13 (it is the order by which Sreesanth and others were acquitted). Betting on Cricket was found to be excluded u/s 12 of Public Gambling Act, Cricket being a game of skill. I myself was unaware till recently. So those betting on cricket all these years, thinking it to be a competitive sport as being marketed by the cricket world and the media, have been continuously cheated through institutionally fixed cricket. Those betting have not been the culprits, but all those responsible for continuous dishing out of fixed and scripted cricket in the garb of a fair and competitive sport to fool the bettors have been the culprits. Their crime has been phenomenal. Such that many would find it difficult even to comprehend it. This crime even extends much beyond national boundaries.
Court number 1, the CJI’s Court, passes order in May, 2018 in WP (C) 1163/2017 inviting me as a petitioner in that case to assist the Court in a particular case. But your section III dealing with that particular case doesn’t recognize this order for months. Finally it does and allows my IA (Impleadment application) in that case CA 4235/2014. Then I request for case details in order to assist further in deference to the Court’s orders. I get a mail from Assistant Registrar after months, that too only after my letters under reference, asking me what documents I required. I pleasantly thought someone responsible in Supreme Court was finally awake, but how wrong I was! There is no response again to my several mails in reply. I come all the way to Supreme Court from Kolkata (after having duly informed the Registrar) to inspect the case file so that I could know what documents were to be required by me, carrying a load of related papers myself, but am told by same Assistant Registrar Mr Ram Ratan that now suddenly after his email I had no locus standi in that particular case for which the Court had given me the liberty to assist in, since some official in section III was telling him so. Even if it was the case (though anyone would fail to see how it could be so), then why the hell did he / Supreme Court of India send me email dated 12/7/19, to someone who didn’t have any locus standi? Is it Supreme Court of India, or a circus manned by a bunch of jokers?
Or am I a joker? I don’t know. For the world I may be. I have been spending my own money, substantial amounts of it (though I don’t mind it, still getting enough to make our both ends meet), running from pillar to post at this age, allowing myself to be harassed by all and the Court under your charge, the Supreme Court of India, fighting almost single-handed against the combined might of the world in exposing the largely unknown blackest face of corporatization and capitalism so that necessary corrections in the interest of humanity could set in. Probably not even a joker would dare do what I have been doing for some years now. I had gone to Supreme Court only after exhausting all other possibilities over the years, the world including President and Prime Minister of India and the Supreme Court appointed Commissions on the subject (or their offices) acting totally dumb.
For whatever it is worth,, I am a retired joint secretary level officer from Indian Railways, who successfully exposed a massive systemic scam in Railway procurement while in service (the same was later confirmed by the Metro Man E. Sreedharan in a report on the Indian Railways), a responsible senior citizen, a recipient of national level award for crusade against corruption, a poet and writer, and one who has exposed and proved trillions of dollars (yes, you have read correctly – a conservative estimate based on real data helps us arrive at this figure) loot of bettors’ money and cheating of hundreds of millions of cricket fans through institutionally scripted and fixed cricket round the clock. And here I find myself being harassed by your officials (seemingly having very low IQ or having been bought out by the powerful mafia). And while that happens, apparently you, your fellow judges and registrars, all sit tightly in air-conditioned surroundings, well pampered using public money, conveniently acting deaf, dumb, and blind.
Don’t those shielding the monstrous fraud and crime, in and outside Supreme Court of India, understand that they are fighting a losing battle? Whatever anyone does, can one keep hidden for long something as sure as the shining sun? Even the whole cricketing world and the world together hasn’t been able to counter my expose on cricket for past 6 years, nor can it ever do so. It is only continuing with the monster crime nonchalantly, with people like Shashank Manohar and Vinod Rai at the helm, duly supported by the media and the establishment. The childish action by the Supreme Court of India in blowing hot and blowing cold repeatedly, in not honouring its own order, only exposes it more and indicates its own complicity in the phenomenal crime, fraud and loot.
On second thought, it helps the cause (our cause). Now without going into petition and without applying mind to all that is in record and in public domain, people should readily know that I had been right. If not, why would Supreme Court of India have been behaving as it has to expose itself? Why would the apex Court of the country openly act as an antagonist to a well-meaning and bonafide petitioner who had brought a colossal and monstrous public fraud and crime to its knowledge? Why would people of the stature of Vinod Rai expose themselves losing all their credibility?
Does anyone realize what Supreme Court of India not honouring its own order means? It implies total collapse of the legal system in India. And this collapse becomes more pronounced since this dishonouring of its own order by the Supreme Court of India continues unashamedly even months after my letters under reference. It amazes me and should amaze anyone how the learned judges of the Supreme Court of India and the rest of the legal fraternity of the country have been happily digesting such a state of affairs.
Your PRO didn’t have much time to listen to me either on the 29th July, 2019. He advised me to buy a Supreme Court rule book and lodge a formal application for inspecting the documents in the subject case CA 4235/2014, without bothering to know and understand the background. And then,the other officials refused even to accept such a request/ letter as had been advised by the Court’s own PRO. Even when an advocate friend tried  just to submit such a request letter from me on the 1st August, 2019, he was denied (though the contents of that letter were already emailed by me to the Registrar on the 29th July itself, as per reference 1 above). Does it make you stir in your chair?
Probably I should have expected all this - for the Supreme Court of India to act for the powerful lobby that appoints/ has a major say in appointment of the Supreme Court judges themselves. Let me share with you, I did feel fulfilled and pleasantly surprised on successful filing and listing of our WP (C) 1163/2017. Since that itself created a permanent and irrefutable record of a massive public scam by the most powerful from various spheres in the country combined. After that the Court had only two choices: either to act honestly and purposefully in the matter or expose itself. Sadly, after taking first few steps in the right direction, now under some duress or temptation, the Court feels compelled to expose itself, unfortunately forgetting its own motto ‘Satyamev Jayate.’.
First Vinod Rai, as head of COA/BCCI danced naked in serving the interests of the cricket mafia and now Supreme Court of India as a whole is following in his foot-steps. There is necessary documentary evidence to show this. Probably the word shame belonged to different times and cultures.Those feeling power drunk (the mafia masters and their stooges alike) are forgetting that The evil that men do lives after them.’
But what do I do now? Do I say ‘BALLS’ to all and everything and go to sleep, forgetting the plight of hapless cricket fans, especially the tens of millions of bettors being robbed day and night through a puppet show controlled by a powerful nexus of mafia-politicians-industrialists-cricket world- media? Forgetting how the world including millions of highly learned and intellectuals, including the learned judges, learned advocates, and all the officials of your Court also, has been allowing it to be fooled day and night by the cricketing world and media combined? Or do I fight on, first and foremost demanding a reasonable token compensation, say Rs one crore (I don’t want to be greedy - haha), from the Supreme Court of India for unduly harassing me? As of now I go for the later course and request you to order the compensation as above to me.
Under media pressure, you have acted in the Unnao Rape Victim case now, so belatedly, announcing compensation and giving a very severe target to CBI to complete the investigation. I still hope against hope that in this case you will act like-wise on the merit of the case even though there is no media pressure, and there won’t be any media pressure. The deafening silence of the media on the subject since filing of our PIL loudly announces its own culpability.
Do you find this letter unpalatable? I shall be happy if it is so. That would mean some shame is still left somewhere. Did the Supreme Court of India expect me to take its inexplicable behaviour lying down? You will find that for past two years and more I have been persevering in a most appropriate and submissive way, under the provisions of the law of the land, despite apathy of the world and continuous harassment by your registry, but the latest unimaginable act of highhandedness by them causing me utmost discomfort and harassment – both physical and mental – has compelled me to write the way I have done. And I am confident this will not be the last Supreme Court of India will be hearing on the issue and the subject, even if I am dead. Because at the core is a monster very much alive, engulfing millions of victims every day. It will have to meet its end one day. God / Nature will act through someone else. There will be a public outcry sooner than later.
I urge your kind Honour to go through the whole case file personally, and put yourself in my shoes. It will consume your precious time, but I assure you that it will be worth it. I had expected commendation from the Supreme Court of India for all the trouble taken by me for years in exposing and proving a monstrous continuing international public fraud and crime, and taking further trouble in knocking the doors of this august Court. And here I find myself being treated like an antagonist and dirt by its registry. But all the more painful is the fact that all this while, the colossal fraud and crime merrily goes on.
Thank you.

(Atul Kumar)
CC:  The President of India
        The Prime Minister of India
        Chairman, Bar Council of India
         Director CBI

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